About The Turek Clinic

You’re a guy with a sexual health issue and it’s important to you. Where do you go? Who is going to take the time to listen and solve your problem? Is a 12-minute visit followed by a pill or a shot really going to cure you?
Welcome to The Turek Clinic, a leading Men’s Sexual Health Clinic with locations in San Francisco and Los Angeles, where you are welcome and where you will be heard; where creative, personalized, and evidence-based solutions are part of the care package. Where timely, leading-edge care and the wisdom of medicine join together not only to treat but also to solve the problems of reproductive age men.
What makes The Turek Clinic different from your local doctor?
Well, let’s start with the offices. Dr. Turek has created the most non-medical of medical settings, one unlike any clinic you’ll ever visit. He’s gone to such lengths because–as you probably know–men don’t much like going to the doctor.
The Turek Clinic, with locations in San Francisco and Los Angeles, stands apart. Given the way medicine is trending in the U.S. with continuing reduced reimbursements to doctors, medical offices are becoming ever more Spartan and dreary.
Dr. Turek has managed to reverse this trend, creating offices that are sanctuaries in which the best of medical care is provided. Offices in which medical care is delivered the old-fashioned way. Offices in which medical care is practiced the way it used to be, when doctors had time to talk to patients and learn about their issues.
Try us.