Male Infertility & Health Links

The Semen Analysis is the Fifth Vital Sign

It was 16 years ago at about this time when I wrote my first blog. Ever. Top of mind at that time was my thinking that male infertility was not simply something that, coincidentally, happened to otherwise perfectly healthy men. Just a matter of “bad luck,” right? Nope. Reproductive competence is far too important to […]

Penile Cancer Risk Factors with Dr. Turek

Intimate Male Organ Cancer: Are You at Risk?

I have seen how profound the effects of erectile dysfunction and penile curvature can be on a man’s quality of life. Indeed, the penis holds a unique place in the male psyche, influencing all kinds of behavior like no other organ. Robin Williams probably said it best: “God gave man both a penis and a […]

Knight in armor

Is Manliness at Odds with Men’s Health?

Did you know that the wealthiest men worldwide live 6 fewer years than the poorest women? How about the fact that 4 of 5 of suicide deaths in America are men? Or that men take top honors in 8 of 10 leading causes of death? How about that men are almost 40% more likely to die of […]

AI and Male Fertility

How Can AI Help Us Manage Male Infertility?

Maybe once a week, an infertile couple will sit in front of me along with 500 pages of medical records and a pile CDs of all that they’ve been through. I know that there are valuable trends and relevant observations to be discerned from this tome of records, but who has the hours it takes […]

The barber's razor

No Semen to Fully Loaded in One Fell Swoop

The couple took their seats in front of me, cleared their throats, looked me in the eye, and said: “You’re our last hope.” Always game for a reproductive challenge, I leaned in and calmly stated: “How can I help?” Trying to conceive now for 4 years, they’d tried timed intercourse, intrauterine inseminations, and several cycles […]

Reproductive text book

As Good As I Get (At Science Writing)

What happens when you pour all your heart and soul into something? When cooking, this could mean a fabulous meal that is scrumptious, succulent, savory, heavenly, luscious, mouthwatering, toothsome and divine. When creating art, it may skillfully tug at emotions, provoke a mood, offer a fresh perspective, teem with creativity, or be ripe with otherworldly […]