A User’s Guide To Azoospermia

At the beginning of the office visit, I like to ask men with no sperm in the ejaculate who are unable to conceive a simple question: “What crossed your mind when you first heard that you were azoospermic?” The answers vary greatly but are very telling: “It must be a mistake.” “I shouldn’t have joined that […]

Keeping Sex Passionate When You’re Trying to Conceive

This is a guest post from MeiMei Fox, who moderated a session I participated in at Fertility Planit LA this past weekend. MeiMei is the published author, co-author, ghostwriter, and freelance editor of hundreds of non-fiction health, wellness, spirituality, and psychology books, articles, and blogs, including New York Times bestsellers Bend, Not Break with Ping Fu and Fortytude with Sarah Brokaw. She has edited […]

Got My HealthLoop Grades…

Uh oh, my report card arrived. In grade school, they came in manila envelopes and you had to take them home and have the ‘rents sign off on them. Now, they come in emails. Boom. Right there. So fast. Not even enough time to react. Honestly, we’re always being graded in life. But, in some […]

Pass the Buffalo Sauce

This is a guest post from Greg Wolfe, author of How to Make Love to a Plastic Cup: A Guy’s Guide to the World of Fertility. Greg grew up in the San Fernando Valley and worked with the Groundlings and Acme Theater groups in Los Angeles while earning his master’s degree in education. Greg and his wife […]

A Historic Clinical Moment

Walking around Berlin after my lecture to the European Congress of Andrology, I am struck by the how this European city is at once both indelibly historic and wildly modern. A profound reminder that history is really happening right now, with every breath we take. We are also making history! Clinic by the Bay in San […]

An Ounce of (Fertility) Prevention

“I’ve been told that my cancer is now cured… how do I get my fertility back? Patients ask me this question weekly all the time and I am glad to help. Some of the most satisfying medical moments I’ve had are associated with these patients. But when I hear this call for help, it also […]

The Google Wrap (Up)

Got a slice of Google life this week with a lecture and lunch on the Googleplex campus. Here’s the Google wrap up. Now, this is a company with great ingredients for a healthy work life: Yoga and massage classes, personal trainers, free bicycles, three squares a day, an on-site doctor, haircuts, car washes, dry cleaning, […]