Dr. Turek's Blog

The stone wheel

A Great Advance in Testosterone Care

I think we all agree that the wheel and the light bulb were good inventions for mankind. We can argue whether Nobel’s development of gunpowder or the creation of alcohol from honey, rice and fruit during the Stone Age were equally important advances. So goes the story of human progress. Cookie Cutter Medicine There was […]

How to Be a BioDad: The Essential Checklist

You have been told that you’re sterile. Absolutely no sperm in the ejaculate. You turn to the Internet for help, to learn what options you have and to avoid thinking about any deeper meaning of this horrific news. As you do this, you keep feeling that you really want your own genetic child. Yes, you […]

Man crying

The Dark Side of Male Infertility

He sat down in front of me, looked me in the eye and told me that if I cannot find sperm, then he will divorce his wife in the Middle East. If he can’t provide seed for her to bear a child, then he is not worthy of being married to her. OK, that put […]

Jackson Pollack drip art

How Art is Good for Mankind

Everyone works under pressure these days. Timelines, guidelines, or sidelined. Gotta do this, gotta do that. Your meanest, your maddest, your baddest. Too much, too soon, too fast. C’mon connect, conduct and conclude. Maybe this is fine in small doses and makes us the productive little bees that we are. But might it also be […]

A straight banana

The Myths and Truths About Penis Size

I take care of men for a living and easily the most common question I’m asked is this: “While you’re down there Doc, can you tell me if I’m…you know…normal?” From a hot potato standpoint, I liken this question to when my wife asks me how she looks in a dress. Penile Mythology The popular culture […]

How Does Hollywood Handle Infertility?

You’re pretty familiar how movies deal with many of life’s biggest moments, right? Love, sex, marriage, kids, losing your job, becoming a princess or prince, winning in sports, battles, success and failure. But how do they handle infertility? I was asked this question by Insider magazine and really had to think about it. Taboo Topic […]

Blind men and elephant

What Does the Semen Analysis Really Mean?

Ever hear of the Buddhist parable of blind men describing an elephant? The man facing the elephant describes it as thick like a snake. The man who grabs its large floppy ear suggests that the creature is fan-shaped. The man who holds its leg insists that elephants are tree trunks and the one on its […]

Ebola and Zika figures

Ebola, Zika, Sex and You

What’s happened with the recent outbreaks of Ebola and Zika? You might be a tad interested, given that Ebola kills 50% of those infected and Zika wreaks havoc on the newborn children of pregnant moms. Much like HIV, these bugs are two of the heavy hitters in the world of viruses. And they are all […]

Painting of partner's dancing

Let’s Let Men Lead the Infertility Dance

They were young. They were in love. They came in holding hands. And they were concerned. “I’ve been timing things for well over a year and absolutely nothing has happened,” she said leading the conversation. “My cycles are like clockwork and we haven’t missed a month,” she continued. “I’m wondering whether it’s my man here.” […]

Sitting at the edge of a cliff

Playing the Odds of Being an Older Dad

How do you handle risk? Some believe it’s part of the game of life, found everywhere in different doses. Unavoidable but often knowable. Others fear its existence, preferring the familiar and secure. As Oscar Wilde said: “It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.” Where do you stand on risk? Take […]