Dr. Turek's Blog

Letting Go with ART of infertility

Looking Under the Rock of Male Infertility

Raise your hand if you looked under rocks as a kid. What’dya remember finding? Moist dark soil and interesting little critters skedaddling away is what I recall.  Earth’s underbelly, teeming with life. Infertility Awareness The theme of this year’s National Infertility Awareness Week is “Flip the Script.” Be a voice, break the silence, advocate, pledge and […]

Silicon Valley a century ago

Oh the Things We'll See in Silicon Valley

Tell the truth. When you hear the words “Silicon Valley” you probably think of the HBO series that pretty much spot-on depicts the Valley’s noteworthy personalities. Some might recall it as the birthplace of transistors and semiconductors, or before that, the “Prune Capital of the World.” No question that today it is ground zero for […]

An extinct species: woolly mammoth

Are You Going Extinct?

By now you’ve heard the news: sperm counts have fallen 50% over the last 40 years in Western countries. The latest tide of press releases surely can’t be wrong about this: Men’s Sperm Counts Are Dropping, and Scientists Don’t Know Why The Male Fertility Crisis Sperm Counts Are ‘Drastically Dropping’ Across the Western World  Sperm […]

Palm reading

Get Thee to a Palm Reader

“I heard that you’re a palm reader,” he blurted as he sat down across from me during my office visit with him. Sure, as a physician I examine men’s hands, as they can tell you a lot about his life and work. But beyond that, any closer reading I leave to others. But the comment […]

Stained human testicle

Where are We with Man Made Sperm?

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” Dr. Seuss I’ve been asked to report to the fertility community about where we are with man-made sperm.  Although we’re not where we’d like to be, it is certainly not for lack of […]

A beautiful red rose

Can Smelling Roses Extend Your Life?

Depending on how old you are, you may have heard the cliché phrase “stop and smell the roses.” How can taking the time to smell roses possibly improve or extend your life? Mind the words of the great philosopher Socrates, who said: “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” Metaphorically then, smelling roses might just […]


Is Bigger Better When It Comes to Testicles?

As I was being interviewed for a recent Tonic/VICE article by author Grant Stoddard about testicular implants, an interesting point was raised: Does the ole “bigger is better” notion that we typically associate with homes, jewels and penises also apply to testicles? Looking Pretty Down South Let’s start with a little perspective here. We humans do well with […]

Yogic positions; vasectomy

March Madness and the Yogic Vasectomy

It’s time of the year again! A time of tournaments and TV, massive couch potatoing and a general dumbing down of fatherly responsibilities. All in the name of sports. But men also tend to do something very unique during tournament month. They get snipped. A recent health insurance study found that during the first round […]

Banking on the Future

The Littlest Things Can Mean the Most

Did you ever notice how the smallest things can make your day? Think of all of the things you do every single day, some by habit and some by intent. Realize that any one of them can make your day, if you let it. Join me for a moment in thinking small. Double Dare Read […]

Roses and Valentine's Day

What We Do for Love and What Love Does for Us

They were moonstruck. Acting like no one else existed, they were silly, giddy and sat so close together that they stole the same air. The phenylethylamine, (love hormone) levels were so thick that you could cut it. Ah, love! A Quest for Love She was in her late 30s and it was her first marriage. […]