Dr. Turek's Blog

Mahatma Ghandi, renounced material things

Should You Worry When You Take Ibuprofen?

Is anything good in excess? Most of us can make the argument that excess has its place in life: pets, shoes, cars, art, love. Others, like Mahatma Ghandi, prefer the ascetic existence in which material things are roundly denounced. Throughout history even the greats can’t agree about excess: Hippocrates espoused that “everything in excess is […]

Worry beads

The Little Prosthesis That Could

The Case of the Month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. What’s one of the best ways to improve a man’s sexual health? Get him to stop worrying about his “junk.” And one of the best ways to wring out the worry is to ensure that things look normal down there. It can […]

The ruling is in on varicoceles

Varicocele and Infertility: Assumed Innocence, Proven Guilt

Innocent until proven guilty. Although pondered since the Digest of Justinian in 6th century Roman law, this tenant of justice only saw widespread acceptance in the US in the late 1890s. For those of us Latin buffs: “ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat” describes it best. Innocent Bystander? You probably didn’t know this […]

Rubik cube

Getting it Just Right with Patients

There are many ways to solve problems. But there is beauty and clarity in finding the best solution, and I believe it’s worth spending the the extra mental energy to achieve this. Can’t tell you how, when or why I think this way, but Steve Jobs captured this concept when he said: “When you first […]

Chick and egg

Does Man Make the Sperm or Sperm Make the Man?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This ancient paradox filled the minds of the great philosophers Aristotle, Plutarch, Macrobius and Anaximander who all considered it a “great and weighty” problem. Not sure what else was going on back then, but even 2000 years later, it has not been satisfactorily solved. A Newer Paradox […]

men and contraception

Lives of Stuff and the Stuff of Lives

Have to say, I’m quite proud of my Turek Clinic staff. This year was a busy one, full of the stuff of life. Three of my beloved staff left for medical school or to become physician’s assistants or nurse practitioners. I felt like I was back in academics training and inspiring them to do greater […]

men and contraception

He Who Lives in His Body Knows His Body Best

The Case of the Year is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic.  Ever feel that you know something before you actually know it? Call it premonition, intuition, hunch, instinct or just plain “gut” feeling. Powerful stuff. Especially when we combine the right brain’s “gut” with the left brain’s rationality to weigh choices and act. […]

men and contraception

How are Testicles Like Bottles of Wine?

Some wines cellar well and some don’t. Which ones do you keep and which do you drink? There aren’t hard and fast rules here. Just know that 99% of wines should be drunk immediately as only 1% of wines age well. One of the oldest wines every drunk was from a 1200-year old winery in […]

men and contraception

Man and Fertility: As Simple as it Gets

Evaluating men for infertility is a really a slice of the same pie. It appears complex but it doesn’t have to be. Is infertility frustrating? For sure. You’re both young, you’re both healthy, your timing is good, and things feel right. So why the hell isn’t it happening? Take a moment to breath and realize […]