Dr. Turek's Blog

men and contraception

Detecting Prostate Cancer: Beyond the Gloved Finger

It’s been a tough time lately for advocates of a popular blood test used to help diagnose prostate cancer. It’s called a Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test. First, the Feds trashed the PSA test, giving it a “D” grade for prostate cancer screening. In a mea culpa response, urologists admitted that we could improve the way […]

men and contraception

Diet: Where East Meets (and Greets) West

I grew up practicing Western medicine. However, I now teach <a href="http://www.theturekclinic.com/to-sir-with-love/ For sure, there are fundamental differences between Eastern and Western medicine. Western medicine is based on deductive reasoning or “top-down” logic in which assumed general truths lead to specific conclusions. For example, Aristotle used such reasoning when he said: “All men are mortal. […]

men and contraception

Maybe It’s Him and Maybe It’s the Varicocele

The Case of the Month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. He sounded exhausted and desperate when I first spoke to him. Out of money and out of breath, he swiftly recounted all that the couple had been through trying to conceive. After trying at home for 2 years, they sought help. Proceeding […]

men and contraception

Manopause and the Male Biological Clock

Have you driven the same old car for years, but now suddenly have the urge to get the newest Corvette? Do you find yourself obsessing about other people who are half the age of your spouse? Are you feeling really old and depressed around the younger bucks at work? Are your sex drive and erections […]

men and contraception

The Sperm Count Tempest in a Teapot

Like monsoon season, this storm surfaces every several years, and has for decades. And it does so with seemingly undiminished intensity. Human sperm counts are falling, and we are <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/declining-sperm-counts-among-men-could-result-in-human-extinction-doctor-warns_uk_59785dc3e4b0c95f37600df5" target="_blank" rel="noopener Analysis Paralysis The latest published report came in the form of a meta-regression analysis, the latest, uber version of the ordinary meta-analysis, […]

men and contraception

Lucky in Los Angeles

Ever just feel lucky? I do, for lots of reasons. Here’s one: I have the privilege of working in two of the healthiest cities in America. Using any set of measures, such as access to parks and health care, rates of obesity, smoking and inactivity, Los Angeles and San Francisco rank right up there. Feeling lucky […]

men and contraception

The Truth About a Man’s Veru

The Case of the Month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic He hailed from Phoenix with 4 years of infertility. When first checked 3 years ago, his sperm count was very low as was the sperm motility. His sperm DNA fragmentation was elevated, adding further insult to injury. Since they had given a […]

men and contraception

Can Your Fertility Save Your Life?

I know, it’s an improbable and largely rhetorical title for a lecture. But it was Nerd Nite SF, and they asked me to talk about something provocative and daring in medicine. Fertility as a tool to measure health. Smacked and Smashed The bar was packed with hundreds of San Francisco tech titans, gamers, developers and […]

men and contraception

Taking the "Deep Dive" with Sperm

Without getting too personal here, we now have reason to believe that the semen analysis can <a href="http://www.theturekclinic.com/nih-biomarkers-for-mens-health-infertility-cancer/ Semen is Sneaky But, like tarot cards, the semen analysis may also be the furthest thing from reproductive reality. Take the man with an entirely normal semen analysis who, despite his best efforts, cannot conceive. Think of […]