Dr. Turek's Blog

men and contraception

Libido and Erections: Birds of a Feather

I take care of lots of men with erection dysfunction. I also take care of lots of men with low sex drive. And, as you can imagine, I see a lot of men with both issues. And this is where men’s health gets really interesting. Inside My Mind I think of erections and libido as […]

men and contraception

The Art of Choosing Wisely

Certain stories really raise my eyebrows. A patient recently told me about how he had seen three orthopedic surgeons who told him that he needed hip surgery for pain that began when he was chaperoning on a Boy Scout outing. He then saw a chiropractor who thought that his hip was slightly out of rotation and […]

men and contraception

Zika: The Bad Boy Virus of the Year

Name one of the top 10 most commonly searched healthcare topics on Google last year. Ok, “cupping” and “traumatic brain injury” are both up there. But Zika was too. Gracious! Two years ago it was Ebola. In actual fact, they’ve both been around for some time. Ebola first occurred in humans in 1975 and Zika as […]

men and contraception

Just One Brother in the Bag?

It took him years to admit it. He just didn’t feel like himself. The constant unease with always having to explain himself was wearing him down. So, from across the country, he called for help. A Solitary Existence No, this wasn’t some kind of “therapy;” he wanted a testicular implant. What’s the bother in having […]

men and contraception

The Ultimate Liquid Biopsy for Fertility

If you’re around my age (not telling), you’ve probably had your blood drawn, maybe even regularly. Electrolytes, sugars, cholesterol, liver and kidney stuff, HIV testing and the like. But imagine that that same blood sample could tell you whether or not you have any one of 40 cancers? The future is upon us. Written in […]

men and contraception

To Sir with Love

What just happened? Now I’m teaching again! Taking the blank slate of innocent, curious minds and crafting them into well oiled, thinking machines. Raising them from crayons to pencils to Ipads and beyond, and preparing them to tackle all manner of things and to move the field beyond anything that I can imagine. Good Ole Days […]

men and contraception

There’s a First Time for Everything

“It’s never happened before!” he exclaimed, almost in a panic. He was 30 years old and looked like he’d just seen a ghost. “I lost my erection right in the middle of having sex!” “It’s never happened before?” I asked. “Nope, never… I need to get checked out. I hope that I’m OK Doc.” Woolly […]

men and contraception

How Does a Good Doctor Get That Good?

A patient recently referred to me as the “Doctor’s doctor.” I was honored. And it led me to think: What makes a doctor really good at doctoring? Look it Up If you look up the term “Doctor’s doctor,” you might not find a formal definition for it. Among physicians and groups that rate doctors, it […]

men and contraception

Why Make Up Your Mind?

The Case of the Year is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. They hailed from central Alaska, rugged folk who lived the extremes of weather and knew the undistilled rawness of nature. Self sufficient to a T, they were as robustly independent as Americans get. You Want What? “I’d like to have my vasectomy […]

men and contraception

What Just Happened…Last Year?

2016 was a doozy! No doubt. The Olympics, Castro’s death, Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize, and an unforgettable Presidential election. Two other amazing feats include our sending a spacecraft to Jupiter and the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series. This year showed us that miracles can happen and dreams (and nightmares) can come true. Wasn’t it […]