Dr. Turek's Blog

men and contraception

Living the Fertile Lifestyle, Again

He’s sitting in front of me. He wants more children. The only thing getting in the way is the vasectomy he had a dozen years back. Or is it? Sure, he’ll need microsurgery to reverse it. Heck, I’m a Midas man and can fix the exhaust. But, if the engine isn’t running, well that’s a […]

men and contraception

Men’s Health and the Elephant in the Room

Name one thing that men are more uncomfortable discussing than their feelings. Anything but feelings. You’ve probably heard the line: “Men have feelings too. For instance, sometimes we feel hungry.” But alas, there is something that men may talk about even less than their feelings. How Ya’ Doin’? The esteemed Cleveland Clinic recently reported on […]

men and contraception

Vasectomy: Fessing Up to Failure

Did you hear that Texas Longhorns star quarterback Shane Buechele revealed that he was born after his dad had a vasectomy? Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon jumped on this, saying that “he was his very first quarterback sneak.” Up the Middle “What causes this?” you ask. Well, it’s complicated, and it isn’t. One reason vasectomies […]

men and contraception

Should You Get Thee to a Low T Clinic?

They’re everywhere these days. Just search “low T clinic near me” on Google and you will see a gaggle of places get your fill of testosterone. There’s someone on every corner willing to sell you good ol’ vitamin T. But will it help? Fountain of Youth It depends. If you are a younger man, say […]

men and contraception

Enjoy Some Heat Seeking Behavior

When is the last time you said: “What was I thinking?” Was it about something you bought? Something you said? I had this moment when I was invited to speak in Argentina and responded in the affirmative by email along with: “Can I surf?” Can’t imagine what the program chair was thinking with that little […]

men and contraception

The Male Infertility Gauntlet: Less is More

“Less is more.” Is there a better description for the modernist architectural style of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe? His Barcelona Pavilion is one of the world’s most exquisite examples of architecture as sculpture, akin to the Parthenon in Greece, or the Pantheon in Rome. It simply works. It also reminds us of how complex “less” […]

men and contraception

Everyday Olympians

Who are your favorite Olympians this year? Gosh, what a panoply of miracles, upsets, world records and letdowns! Maybe it’s the once-in-a-lifetime-stars like motorized Michael Phelps, soaring Simone Biles or unstoppable Usain Bolt. Possibly, it’s the silent but seriously talented home grown Brazilian beach volleyball players Bárbara Seixas and Ágatha Bednarczuk. Or maybe it’s the […]

men and contraception

Life After IVF

Gotta believe that biology always wins. I was reminded of this as Kevin Richardson, the Backstreet Boys star of our movie If I Could Tell You, recently revealed his own infertility journey to People magazine. Given his great performance in the film, it’s no surprise he came into it guns loaded with emotional ammo. Sex and […]

men and contraception

Welcome Back, Woody

I missed him. He has been the heart and soul of The Turek Clinic since it’s inception. Early on, this line-drawing-of-a-man graced the landing page of our website. He was also featured in several real-life vignettes in which men just happen to find themselves from time to time. In a word, he is the “average […]

men and contraception

Trust Your Brother

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic Do you trust your gut? With 1.1 zettabytes of internet holding 1 billion websites and 1 million emails sent every second, our lives are rife with trifle; so how do you even find that gut to trust? Well you should, because heuristics […]