Dr. Turek's Blog

men and contraception

Can I Tell You About “If I Could Tell You?”

Do you believe in happenstance? How does one sperm among millions find the egg and create life? Is it plain old luck that wins the jackpot lottery? My life has taken many significant turns by happenstance. How about meeting my wife, finding a love for microsurgery, and starting a free medical clinic for the working […]

men and contraception

To Marriage, Sex and a Long Life

Quick—-Who has more sex, single or married men? Wrong! It’s married men. Forget what Hollywood has drummed into your head, this one’s a myth. Tonight’s the Night Don’t believe me? Well keep reading. In one of the best studies to look at this to date, the sexual attitudes and habits of 5,865 persons ages 14-94 were […]

men and contraception

The Future of Do-It-Yourself Medicine

Why see a doctor if you can Google your symptoms anyway? Shucks, you can tile your bathroom, build a deck or even add a floor to your house using Home Depot. Resources for everything you can think, or do, are available on the world-wide-web. Don’t believe me? Just check out the innumerable “For Dummies” books […]

men and contraception

A Worthy Emancipation

I take care of a lot of men, for lots of different issues. And, sort of like a pediatrician, I have watched them grow over time into even better men. Men who are empowered. Men who take control of their health and own their lives. Think about it, I cannot make the changes that my […]

men and contraception

Biology Always Wins

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. “I hope you can help me, Doc. I’ve been shopping around to have my vasectomy undone, but I’m having trouble finding anyone who will do it. They say it won’t work. See, my wife is young and really doesn’t want to take […]

men and contraception

The Good Side of Bad News

Not sure about you, but I like to see the good in the bad. By focusing on the flipside of adversity, I get stronger instead of weaker. Hey, I’m the first one to fess up to the unpleasant, abominable and awful, but there’s gotta be a way to make silk…or something…out of a sow’s ear. […]

men and contraception

Men’s Rules of Engagement

Do you believe that Sasquatch exists? How about zombies, vampires or ghosts? If you saw a unicorn, would you, like Kiersten White in Endlessly, think: “It’s like a demented goat with a bone growth?” Are urban lore, Greek mythology and folk tales just that? Maybe not. Unicorns are People Too A well-known unicorn in medicine […]

men and contraception

A Story of Men, Sex and Babies

Who doesn’t like a story? Remember telling stories of each of your scars to your friends as a kid? Or listening to the classic, “remember when…” You also know that if they make no sense, it’s either because of sex or money. Stories are good; they shape the world. More than informational, they reliably tweak the […]

Take a Moment and Picture Your Fertility

How do you solve tough problems? Maybe you pick at them until they’re gone. Maybe you dance around them until they’re contained. One thing I like to do is to step away and examine them as an outsider, from a completely different perspective. In other words, get out of the trees and look at the whole […]

An Interesting Way to Conceive

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic The body has a whole bunch of really cool reflexes. These are things that the body does without conscious thought. It’s how the eye focuses. It’s why the knee jerks. It also explains blushing, sneezing, coughing, shivering and even yawning. And, believe it […]