Dr. Turek's Blog

Does the Good Wood Have Ears?

“You know, Doc, there are times when I lose my erection…just like that. It happens when I’m really stressed out. It’s like the penis has ears or something!” Say it aint so! Can the penis really “hear” stress and go flat because of it? The Good Wood This reminds me of another scenario in which the […]

Why Have Two in The Corner Pocket?

Growing up as a kid, you expect to find two jewels right where they belong down there. And about the size of small grapes. But did you know that 2% of boys at birth are missing a testicle? It’s just not there in the sac. Yup, undescended testicles  are the most common genital birth defect. […]

Is the Written Word Obsolete in Science?

Hard to believe, but I used to use Encyclopedia Britannica in grade school to research book reports. Imagine that, a 10 year old encyclopedia was the “latest and greatest” source of knowledge that you could get in a library. Back then, history was history, it’s in the past for Heaven’s sake, and science was evolving […]

Don’t Stop Asking Why

I’ve been called a “disruptor” before, but I’ve never considered myself a “visionary.” To my surprise, I was recently called just that, and by colleagues about whom I might use the same term. Quite flattering, really. Meeting of Minds We met just outside of Washington, at the invitation of the NIH and CDC, to discuss […]

Male “Prenatal” Vitamins: More Than Just a Pill

For how long have women been taking “prenatal” vitamins? Maybe a decade? Nope. A link between vitamin deficiency and pregnancy outcomes was postulated 70 years ago! And studies showing fewer neural tube defects in babies following maternal folic acid supplementation are now almost 40 years old. Indeed, prenatal vitamins have become a clutch player in the world of preventative medicine. […]

What Happens When Boys Become Men

Let’s talk for a moment about life cycles. Companies have them, markets have them, and products have them. The trajectories for many product life cycles generally progress through well-defined stages: Introduction, growth, maturity and decline. I dare say that as boys become men, their health care shows a remarkably similar curve. Men’s Health Lifecycle Don’t […]

What We Did When We Stood Up

We are flesh and blood like a million other animals. So what makes us human? The opposable thumb. Standing on two feet. Losing that tail. Inventing the wheel, and maybe even the iPhone. Speaking in tongues. Laughter. Altruism. And for men, add to this the varicocele. It’s Too Darn Hot That’s right, the var-i-ko-seal. A […]

FNA Mapping: A Tool for the Trade

Do you have a favorite tool? Maybe a great cooking pot or utensil that really works for you. Possibly a shiny, worn and weathered but perfectly performing baseball glove, or a dinged and pockmarked surfboard that handles virtually every swell. Whether you’re a carpenter and fan of curly maple, or a car hobbyist who likes […]

Walking For Hope and Adding Heartbearts to Life

Do you know what’s running through my mind when taking care of men every day? How about asset allocation, expense ratios, compound interest and amortization. Although not possessing a finance degree, I see myself as a financial planner of sorts… for heartbeats. Increasing the number of heartbeats that men have over a lifetime is my […]

Male Sperm Infertility San Francisco

Behind Every Egg is A Sperm

The early bird gets the worm (Courtesy Shutterstock) It’s a tenet of American culture that if you try hard, you’ll succeed. “Hard work pays off.” “The early bird gets the worm.” “No goal met without sweat.” But try telling this to sperm! Sperm Are People Too Evidence now suggests that simply looking good and moving with a swagger […]