Dr. Turek's Blog

Size Really Does Matter… A Lot!

Ask a woman how many irregular periods she’ll have before she gets concerned or gets medical help. The answer is two, or maybe three at most. That fast. Do men have a similar barometer of health? Honestly, what besides pain or a threat-to-life brings young men to medical care? Answer: not much.

Ask a woman how many irregular periods she’ll have before she gets concerned or gets medical help. The answer is two, or maybe three at most. That fast. Do men have a similar barometer of health? Honestly, what besides pain or a threat-to-life brings young men to medical care? Answer: not much.

When is Running Not Just Running?

I got to know a guy named Laird Malamed recently. He’s a regular working stiff, just like the rest of us, and it just so happens that he loves to run. Not every day, but very far, in fact marathon distances and beyond. In his words, it’s a “crazy mid-life crisis running addiction.” His goal? “The […]

The Family Jewels: To Cut or Cover?

“OK, Honey, I’m pulling the goalie. The IUD is out. Your turn to think about contraception.” Gees, now what? Quick, go through the list in your head. Withdrawal? Abstinence? Rhythm method? Not likely. Really boils down to vasectomy or condoms. Cut it or cover it. Handling Old Faithful Gees, condoms?!? Believe it or not, the […]

Varicocele: Bringing Grown Men To Their Knees

Name something utterly embedded in our lives, despite our tireless aversion to it. No one of sound mind seeks it out, although it commonly accompanies much of what we do. Yes, it’s pain. The Dutch Scratch And is there a particular pain that brings a man to his knees faster than scrotal pain? Nope. Just […]

5 Things That Campfires Teach Us

Just spent the week camping in Yellowstone Park with the family. Great big Wyoming skies, musky forest trails, spectacular Rocky mountain vistas, thunderclap-filled rain storms and, of course, campfires. Fire Light There’s a real science to campfires. Whether you prefer tipi, lean to, log cabin, Swedish fire torch or Finnish style, master campfire makers require only […]

Do My Du Mai

Is there anything as amusing as watching Dr. Paul Turek do a double take? Picture us, at the Integrative Fertility Symposium in Vancouver, sharing the podium for an East/West panel discussion on Men’s Reproductive Health, and, as often happens, the conversation takes an inevitable turn towards the male erection. We were discussing the difficulty men […]

Are You A Gambling Man?

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. He appeared healthy. No issues with testosterone, erections, or sex drive. No infertility problem. No pain. No lumps or bumps. All dialed in with a primary care provider. He was even on time for his appointment. So, why was he here? “Doc, […]

Y Not The X?

Imagine Louis Armstrong bellowing: “Birds do it, bees do it, goldfish in the privacy of bowls do it…” Males and females, everywhere on earth, falling for each other. Now there’s evidence that, even chromosomally, they need each other. Sex Dogma Realize that scientific thought surrounding sex chromosomes has been a tad sexist to date: Two […]

Can Making Eggs Help Us Make Sperm?

Forgive me for talking about eggs during Men’s Health Month, but this one is too good to pass up. It was announced to the world recently that a woman just delivered a child after natural conception. And the news here is….? A First Among Eggs Ok, there’s a catch. The newborn baby came from eggs within […]

Smart Phone, Smart Home, SMARTmap

You’ve heard of smart homes. And I bet you own a smart phone. Both great examples of technology for better living. Remember The Jetsons‘ smart home, complete with conveyor belts and Rosie the robot maid? And who can forget the large “brick” cell phones of days past, with terrible reception and constantly drained batteries. Well, there’s […]