Dr. Turek's Blog

Ensuring the Legacy of Men’s Health

It’s got sea legs! Even better than that, it’s now walking and talking. After being dutifully raised, nurtured and primed for the past 7 years, it is now contributing to the betterment of society. No, it’s not my daughters…they’re still quite young. It’s the urology teaching program for medvical students. And, as the founder of […]

Does It Really Have to Be This Hard?

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. He came into the office the day before I left town to lecture to endocrinologists from around the country about novel ways to increase testosterone in men at their annual meeting in Nashville.

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. He came into the office the day before I left town to lecture to endocrinologists from around the country about novel ways to increase testosterone in men at their annual meeting in Nashville.

Lab Grown Sperm: Fact or Fiction?

Did it really happen? Did a company in Lyon, France actually make human sperm in a dish, as touted in a press release? Or will our hopes be dashed as before? Your guess is as good as mine. A Symphony of Biology Compare spermatogenesis to a symphony score, but a masterful one, like a work […]

What Ever Happened to IUI?

Can’t conceive? Try IVF. Sure, it recently earned a Nobel Prize but isn’t that like going from 0 to 100 mph just like that? Isn’t there something simpler to do first before IVF? Turkey Basting Well, maybe there is. There are 3 levels of conception technology: No-Tech (sex), Low-Tech (IUI) and High-Tech (IVF). Intrauterine insemination […]

East Meets West in Medicine

There I go again, a Western guy giving a lecture to an Eastern crowd. What team do I play on, you ask? In fact, I am honored to give a keynote at the First Integrative Fertility Symposium in Vancouver. Ok, call me a “swingman,” but the Easterners have a lot up their medical sleeves too. […]

40 Years of Male Infertility: Progress Beyond Belief

I recently reviewed what’s happened in male infertility over the past 40 years in a lecture given to the American Society of Andrology in Salt Lake City

I recently reviewed what’s happened in male infertility over the past 40 years in a lecture given to the American Society of Andrology in Salt Lake City

Don’t Get Older If You Can Help It

It’s called “mutational load.” Doesn’t sound all that pleasant does it? And, it’s ascribed mainly to men. Now, in addition to mid-life crises and retirement, it’s something new to think about as you age. Boning up for my keynote speech on “The Reproductive Genetics of the Aging Male” for the American Society of Andrology this weekend, […]

Want Some Bio-Identical Testosterone?: The Truth About Supplements

So, you’re thinking of taking testosterone supplements because of all of the good things you’ve heard. Why not take “bio-identical testosterone” instead of the usual, pharmaceutical grade stuff, otherwise known as “patentable pseudo-testosterone?” Gees, I dunno. I thought that testosterone was testosterone, a simple pile of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules arranged in 4 rings of chicken wire. What’s the difference? What’s best?

So, you’re thinking of taking testosterone supplements because of all of the good things you’ve heard. Why not take “bio-identical testosterone” instead of the usual, pharmaceutical grade stuff, otherwise known as “patentable pseudo-testosterone?” Gees, I dunno. I thought that testosterone was testosterone, a simple pile of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules arranged in 4 rings of chicken wire. What’s the difference? What’s best?

Sperm Archaeology

“I heard that you can get sperm from a rock,” said the patient. Eyebrows raised, I responded: “Actually, I’ve never tried.” But his statement did get me thinking: I am a sperm archaeologist of sorts. Sands of Time Growing up, who hasn’t thought about being an archeologist at some point? Sifting through sand in exotic […]

How Does Low Testosterone Affect Me?

The case of the month is an actual patient of <a href=”/services/male-mens-sexual-health/ “Doctor Turek, thanks for talking with me. I’ve been married to John for 30 years and lately it seems like his sex drive which has been pretty even-steven is now much lower. Not only that, his erections don’t last very long and he’s […]