Dr. Turek's Blog

How a Frankenpenis Helps Medicine

First heart transplants and now penis transplants! Maybe it’s the ocean air, maybe the bucolic African terrain, or maybe it’s the hardy souls who live there, but South Africa has done it again. The first working interhuman penis transplant. Urination? Check. Sexual function? Check. A veritable functioning Frankenpenis. Big Cojones Christiaan Barnard performed the first […]

He Really IS Listening…

Tired of the cold? Tired of brown snow? Good, because spring is one short week away. So, what’s your plan for sticking with that exercise plan you resolved to start on New Years? Here’s a hint: partner up! Behind the Man We all know that the biggest readers of the men’s health manual are…partners. Coupled men […]

Everyday Evolution & Male Fertility

Do you believe in evolution? Apparently, over 6 in 10 Americans do. Since described by Darwin over 150 years ago, every aspect of evolution has been, and continues to be, hotly debated. But what fascinates me most about evolution is not who runs the show, but how it actually might happen.

Do you believe in evolution? Apparently, over 6 in 10 Americans do. Since described by Darwin over 150 years ago, every aspect of evolution has been, and continues to be, hotly debated. But what fascinates me most about evolution is not who runs the show, but how it actually might happen.

How is the Flu Like a Hot Tub?

Did you the flu get you this winter? Its peak season right about now. If you’ve had it, you’ll agree that it’s quite a ripper. Starts as a sore throat for a couple of days. Then, just when you think you licked it, you lose your voice. After you’re talking again, a deep, harsh cough sets […]

March Madness Means Tying Tubes

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic Traditionally, March Madness referred to the breeding season of the somewhat shy European rabbit. More recently in the U.S., it is a month of lots of college basketball playoffs, in which men are either glued to TVs or frantically attending games. In […]

Stay Loose to Keep Hard

Have you ever lost your wood when you wanted it most? Be honest. NEVER? Well then, you obviously haven’t lived through the slings and arrows of infertility.

Have you ever lost your wood when you wanted it most? Be honest. NEVER? Well then, you obviously haven’t lived through the slings and arrows of infertility.

The Art of Adult Circumcision

The press recently interviewed me about my circumcision experience. Not mine personally, but my surgical experience. Although we can argue until the cows come home about whether or not it should ever be done, honestly one of the biggest concerns that I hear from men considering it is: “Doc, will it still feel normal?”

The press recently interviewed me about my circumcision experience. Not mine personally, but my surgical experience. Although we can argue until the cows come home about whether or not it should ever be done, honestly one of the biggest concerns that I hear from men considering it is: “Doc, will it still feel normal?”

The Genetics of Headless Sperm

You know to not judge a book by its cover. The best read might be wrapped in the crappiest jacket. And so it goes with sperm. Abnormalities of sperm shape don’t necessarily make them “bad” sperm. Hey, the ugly duckling could easily be the beautiful swan. It’s in the Details The study of sperm shape, […]

Sperm From Thin Air

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. He was wary as he walked into the office, as though he were doing something illegal. “Doc,” he said, “I’m lined up to do a blind sperm retrieval soon and I keep hearing about this mapping thingie. Not sure what I should […]

When Sleeping Giants Awake

In the Dune miniseries by David Lynch, a tremor felt in the desert of Arrakis usually meant that a huge, quarter-mile-long sand worm would soon surface and inhale acres of sand and anything on it. But these giant creatures, as dominating as they are, were also the only source of the spice mélange, a substance […]