Dr. Turek's Blog

November is Now Movember

Are you a Mo Bro? A Mo Sista? Do you Mo alone or with buddies? What’s your shave date? Say what? Ah, so you’re not the hipster you thought you were… The lingo is Movember. Movember is a movement. The movement is simple and involves growing a moustache in November. Not a beard, not a […]

Childless By Choice

Writer and filmmaker Jason Headley (www.JasonHeadley.com) recently published a poignant essay in Medium.com about his decision to be childless. Excerpts from his well-considered point of view are presented here, with his permission: “Picture this: I’m thirty-four years old. I’ve been married four and a half years. I don’t have any children. People ask, ‘When are […]


Fatherhood with Klinefelters

What’s the most common definable cause of azoospermia, or lack of mobile sperm, among infertile men? Here’s a hint: it’s also pretty common in general, occurring in 1/500 male births. Answer: Klinefelter syndrome. Men who have it possess an extra X chromosome in every cell in their bodies. It’s inherited, about equally so from mothers […]

Work, Surf & Turf

Usually at this time of year, when the leaves turn color and the temperature drops, I start waxing romantically about autumn. It’s my favorite time of year, even in LA, where I actually saw a leaf fall from a tree last weekend. Some call fall “the year’s loveliest smile.” Autumn is when we all get […]

Partners in Prostate Cancer

A great time was had by all at the recent Prostate Cancer Tweet Chat hosted by the Urology Care Foundation. Having two of my football sports heros, Marcus Allen and Mike Haynes, involved in the chat really energized the conversation and certainly made it a personal highlight of this year’s Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Best Weapon […]

What You Need To Know About Sperm Mapping From Its Inventor

Since Dr. Turek first described and published it in 1997, using FNA mapping to find sperm in infertile men with azoospermia has matured beautifully as a valuable, workhorse tool in the field.

Since Dr. Turek first described and published it in 1997, using FNA mapping to find sperm in infertile men with azoospermia has matured beautifully as a valuable, workhorse tool in the field.

A User’s Guide To Azoospermia

At the beginning of the office visit, I like to ask men with no sperm in the ejaculate who are unable to conceive a simple question: “What crossed your mind when you first heard that you were azoospermic?” The answers vary greatly but are very telling: “It must be a mistake.” “I shouldn’t have joined that […]

My Summer with Dad

He was one tough old bird. Born to a rural Slovakian family with German roots in the high Tatra mountains for over 1,000 years, he became a blacksmith in his teens, and a craftsman for the rest of his life. He grew up incredibly resilient, self reliant and practical. One of my oldest friends and […]