Dr. Turek's Blog

How To Keep Your Prostate Happy

Name a gland in the male body that is essential for fertility but not for erections, and just happens to enlarge, rather than shrink, with age. That’s right, the prostate. Go Baby Go Because of the prostate, as men age, they are more likely to look at travel experiences as a series of restroom stops. […]

Be Careful Relaxing

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. He had been trying to conceive for the better part of two years with no luck. His wife was healthy, had very regular cycles and had been thoroughly “checked out” early on. He was eating great, maintaining a good weight, and certainly […]

Cycling Toward Childlessness?

She looks at me earnestly, searching for approval and says: “I’ve made sure that he stopped bicycling as I have read that it’s bad for his fertility, right?” Not so fast. Saddle Sore There is hard data to suggest that bicycling long enough can impair erections, especially if the saddle results in pelvic numbness. But fertility? […]

The Oldest Sperm on Earth

Imagine that: 20 million year old sperm! You think you’re good…how’s that for longevity? They may be petrified, but hey, they made it all the way to modern times. The fossilized fighters were found in an ancient cave in Australia and recently reported (read the Los Angeles Times take here) as the oldest ever found on this […]

Taking Skin Out of the Game

“I think I need to be cut, Doc.” He was 18-years old and his sexuality was flowering. I really couldn’t think of even half a reason to do a circumcision on him. But then he went on: “It’s getting hard to pee, and it hurts to have sex.” Ok, so maybe something really is going […]

Playing the Genetic Cards You’re Dealt

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. It’s unbelievable how your genes, those tiny little chunks of DNA that make you who you are, can be sources of both delight and despair in life. Azoospermic Angst My lovely patient was trying to conceive for several years. Upon evaluation, he […]

Shooting Straight After Vasectomy Reversal

What we do for love! You had a vasectomy knowing that, without a doubt, more kids were not a part of your future.  Yet now, here you are, looking to have more rug rats. And this comes right after spending gobs of time and money sorting out the four C’s of the diamond ring thing. […]

The Anatomy of the Ejaculate

Here’s a million-dollar question: From whence does the ejaculate come? The word “semen” is actually Latin, derived from “cemani” meaning “juice.” Ok, so that’s clear, but now you’re thinking, “Great, Doc, but where does the juice actually come from?” Allow me to explain. A Complex Sauce Fluids from several different body organs mix and mingle before being expelled as […]

The Blog that Heals

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. “Doc, I just gotta tell ya…your blog got me off the juice! I’ve been trying to stop testosterone for years, but the answer was right there in front of me on your site.” Your welcome! Anytime. A Case of Fear He was a […]

Confused About T? You Should Be!

Is it right for me? Is it good for me? It is life’s elixir or a dram of Shakespearean poison? Welcome to the trouble with testosterone that we’re having at the moment. The T Buzz Let’s start with how you might come to know T. Take a look at the most popular “tool” used to screen […]