Dr. Turek's Blog

A Sperm Making Thing-a-ma-bob

You can patent a widget, or even a doohickey. Dr Seuss probably could have patented the yuzz-a-ma–tuzz, the diffendoofer, the wumbus and the wocket from his children’s books. But can you really patent an artificial human testicle? We did. Very recently, in fact. The issue notice has duly arrived, just in time for Father’s Day! […]

A Dozen Great Father’s Day Gifts

Girls, you know perfectly well how this story goes. It’s simple: Men live longer when partnered. And now that Dad’s Day is coming up, what do you get him? Cufflinks? Another necktie? A larger shirt? How about something completely different, and possible life extending? Remember, YOU are the key to his longevity. Gifts That Last […]

Is Male Infertility a "Deadly" Disease?

Can being infertile kill you? Granted, it’s a disease, but is it really a “deadly” one? You might get that impression from recent press headlines: “Sperm Problems Tied to Death in the Near Future” “Low Sperm Means Shorter Lifespan” “Male Infertility as Sign of Premature Death” Not so fast, cowboy! Let’s look at things a little […]

Know Before You Go: Sperm FNA Mapping

You know you’re on to something when the audience asks for more. That’s why I am absolutely delighted at the invitation from my urological colleagues to lecture about sperm FNA mapping at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Male Reproduction (SSMR) in Orlando, Florida this week. “GPS” of the Testicle Since […]

To Moms and Moms To Be

I want to thank mothers. All mothers. New, old, prospective and, of course, my own mother and also my lovely wife. As a fertility doctor, I am continually charmed by every thank you note and call from new Moms and Dads, many arriving on the coattails of some fairly intense treatments for male infertility. Much […]

A Short History of the Testicle

The case of the month is an actual patient from The Turek Clinic – Beverly Hills & Los Angeles. “If you ever need anything, Doc, please let me know. You have no idea how much this means to me.” Gotta love it when a patient says that! Good for your soul. He was young and […]

The Reproductive Riff on Paternal Age

Thought you might like to know about this. While preparing for my speech to the American Urological Association next month on the risks of being an older dad, I came across this pretty compelling research relating a father’s age to autism in children. Autism Speaks Name the fastest growing serious developmental disorder in the U.S. […]

Sperm + (Heart)x2 = Father

“Doc, should I bank my sperm to protect my heirs from going mad?” Wow, now that’s a question. He was wondering how he should handle the now credible link between older dads and their kids having higher rates of autism, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Although small, the increase in these conditions in offspring of older […]