Dr. Turek's Blog

A Tweet to Life, Health and Happiness

I was a guest “speaker” on a tweet chat hosted by Fertility Authority this week. My goal was to respond precisely and informatively to real-world questions about male infertility. Looking over the chat, I am impressed by the caliber, character and complexity of the queries posed to me. There were some tweets that were answerable in […]

A Fighting Chance to Be Fertile

The case of the month is an actual patient from The Turek Clinic. He arrived exhausted after a flight from Shanghai. We had talked over the phone several times earlier and he decided that he had to try once more before throwing in the towel on becoming a biological Dad. Here to Help He was […]

Got My HealthLoop Grades…

Uh oh, my report card arrived. In grade school, they came in manila envelopes and you had to take them home and have the ‘rents sign off on them. Now, they come in emails. Boom. Right there. So fast. Not even enough time to react. Honestly, we’re always being graded in life. But, in some […]

Copiloting Your Care

“Dr. Turek, we’ve seen quite a few doctors about this problem. We want the best information on how to proceed so we can make the best decision going forward…” Certainly, be glad to help. Nose Forward I admire patients who seek to pilot their care. In fact, given all the changes in U.S. medical care […]

Imagine a World without Male Infertility

Forgive me for dreaming, but it’s the New Year and a great time to think about what the future holds, if only for a moment. Maybe you have a vision for what you’d like to see happen, whether political, financial, personal or global. Here is a deeply felt professional vision that constantly inspires me. Truly […]

Men’s Health Year in Review

The trees have been lit, the chestnuts roasted, the gifts unwrapped, and the long holiday naps complete. During the quiet of the holidays, I found myself thinking about what kind of year 2013 really was. Here are some of the top-of-mind highlights: The public debut of a responsive, patient-centered, on-line and social media inspired resource […]

Cheers from The Holiday Wall

& Imagine my surprise! After creating limericks for years and years for all sorts of occasions, like weddings, birthdays, fundraisers, roasts and parties, I got a little taste of my own medicine this week. The Turek Clinic office staff were beside themselves after our Holiday Lunch at the Town Hall Restaurant in downtown San Francisco. “Was […]

Warming Up Frosty the Snowman

The holidays are upon us. As the song goes: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Short days. Warm clothes. Scarves. Blankets. Wood fires. Mulled cider. And, of course, “get home early honey, it’s that time of the month!” Does this make you “Frosty the Snowman?” “When sex goes from being fun to being […]

Opening the Door to Men’s Health

Are men and women really that different? OK, how about if I drop the rhetoric, forget the biology and ask it again? Yup, still true, especially when it comes to medical care. Sobering Facts I spoke at the first U.S. meeting of the Men’s Health World Congress recently in Washington D.C. In a word, it […]

Clearing the PIPES in the Male Reproductive System

This case of the month involves an actual patient from The Turek Clinic. He was 32 years old and had been having trouble conceiving for three years. His history was entirely unremarkable except for one thing: he had had a pain in his right testicle immediately after ejaculation for as long as he could remember. […]