Dr. Turek's Blog

Prostate Cancer Infertility Treatments LA & San Francisco

Prostate Cancer: A Rockier Road to Fatherhood?

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men, just behind lung cancer. While prostate cancer is a serious disease by any measure, most men diagnosed with it will survive it (98% overall 5-year survival). But in many cases, therapy for prostate cancer will be needed and surgical or radiation treatments […]

What’s the Skinny on Weight and Male Infertility

Ok, so you’re a victim of the “quarantine-19,” the perfunctory weight gain associated with the (very real) stress of COVID. Maybe you pivoted to fast food and dropped your exercise routine. Or you began to relish those end-of-day ‘quarantini’ cocktails now that you’re not commuting anymore. Sure, you’ve been meaning to lose that pandemic weight, […]

Holy grail

When Should a Man Check His Fertility?

Having practiced medicine for almost three decades now, I’ve learned quite a few things.  As one who always seeks to improve, the one thing that I would most like to change in our healthcare system is its “defensive” orientation. Medicine spends too much time reacting to health problems after they occur, like treating kidney stones […]

tailor made suit

How is a Vasectomy Reversal Like a Bespoke Suit?

Maybe you wear suits, and maybe you don’t. If you do, maybe you wear them for work or just for pleasure. Either way, suits vary widely in quality, look and performance. One big difference between suits is whether they are “off the rack” or “bespoke,” meaning custom made just for you. How these two types […]

the male pill

Update on Male Contraception: Do Vasectomies Still Rule?

I know you’re wondering: What’s up with the male pill? Exactly where are we with male contraceptives other than condoms or vasectomy? Well, it’s a good time to ask as it’s now very clear that the desire for alternatives to vasectomy is great and growing. Studies of couples around the globe found that 25-75% of […]

Fertility Treatment Clinic Los Angeles, CA

How Soon Should Couples Seek Fertility Treatment?

You’ve been trying to conceive but sparks just aren’t flying. You stopped using birth control pills (or pulled the IUD) and started having unprotected sex. With the help of an app, you figured out your most fertile time of the month and began timing sex to increase the odds. You switched to vegetable oils for […]

Does Producing More Semen Make You More Potent?

When it comes to health, love and possibly money, more may be better. But what’s the scoop when it comes to the amount of semen produced with ejaculation? Does more mean more potency or better fertility? Funny thing is, this issue really runs deep with men. In several religions, semen is precious and can’t be […]

Things That You Didn't Know About Your Penis

Things That You Didn’t Know About Your Penis

Honestly the human penis, that ultimate love muscle, is an architectural and biological marvel. At rest, it serves as a conduit for urine. When rubbed like a genie’s lamp, it takes on a whole other, Jekyll and Hyde-like character. And did you know that pound-for-pound the human penis is the largest in proportion to body […]