Ok, you have been reading these posts about men’s health for months, maybe even years. Now that the Labor Day holidays are now over and done and school has begun, it’s time for a little quiz. Number two pencil’s out… 1. True or False: A healthy man always wants sex. Tricky, but false. Although men, […]
Dr. Turek's Blog
The X Chromosome Behind Every Man
The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. He was just an ordinary guy minding his own business. Until he tried to have kids and found out that he was sterile. No sperm. Not a speck. When I asked him what struck him first when he was told that he was […]
What’s Happening with the Infertility Epidemic?
Are we approaching the Armageddon of infertility in America? It might seem that way looking at our long term decline in birth rates. To replace ourselves from generation to generation, we need each woman to have 2.1 births during her life. In the 1970s, that rate was at an all-time low of 1.74; in the […]
Andropause: The Brick Wall of Male Fertility
He looked great. Fit as a fiddle and sporting a head full of salt and pepper hair. “Doc, can I still have kids? Been single all my life but just met the woman of my dreams. Be honest, with me Doc, I’m 75 years old!” Time Waits For No One What changes occur in the […]
10 Tips on Using Donor Sperm
The thought never crossed your mind…until recently. You were focused on staying alive after that brutal bout with cancer. And now, some years later, your lovely partner is gazing at you with that wide and knowing smile and you realize that it’s time to have kids. But reality settles in, and you both realize that […]
Varicocele Repair to the Rescue
The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. “You should considering fixing what might be the problem,” I told them on their first visit. They stole a glance at each other and then looked back at me, glassy-eyed and in disbelief. “Doctor Turek, with all due respect, we have failed […]
My LA Story
Whatsup with LA? A lot. I saw my first patients at The Turek Clinic Los Angeles this past week. I used to have mixed feelings about LA, but not any more. La La Land It all started back in college when a friend invited me to LA for Christmas break. As a kid growing up […]
A Collection of Thoughts on Testosterone
It’s summer. A time when shirts come off and pale bodies redden or bronze. A good time to talk about vitamin T—testosterone. To those of us burdened (or blessed) with Y-chromosomes, it is important for puberty, growth, reproductive and sexual function, mood, intellect (could you tell?) and strong muscles and bones. But is it the […]
Autism and ICSI: An Affair Revealed
Autism is on the rise. And so are test tube babies. Are they linked? Well, a very well done study published recently says yes. This connection may have something to do with sperm. Facts About Autism The term “autism” was first used in 1943 to describe children who lacked interest in other people but showed an unusual interest in […]
The Artificial Testicle: Centuries in the Making
As I was preparing a recent lecture on Artificial Sperm from Stem Cells for the annual meeting of British urologists, a thought struck me. By no means in pornographic way, the biology of male reproduction has fascinated me for over 20 years. This is different from the usual, casual interest that many men have with their […]