Dr. Turek's Blog

Depiction of the 23 sets of chromosomes in each of our cells.

Fully the Fellows

He came in to talk about a vasectomy reversal. “Doc, it’s been 15 years since my wings were clipped. Do my sperm still work? If I have kids, will they be ok?” A Two-Sided Picture Great questions! He was wondering whether being blocked so long from a vasectomy had fiddled with his sperm.  Somehow messed […]

Climb Every Mountain

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. It is presented in honor of National Infertility Awareness Week. They were a cute couple, a bit nervous and very excited. She was 20 years old and he was 24, and they appeared deeply in love. They had been trying to conceive […]


It’s tax day! Feeling powerless? It’s no wonder. In the words of Albert Einstein, certainly no mathematical slouch, “the hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax.” Alas, you have done your best and the tax return is in. Time for a reward. What will it be: a new Tesla sedan, season tickets […]

A Year of Answers

This is a guest post from a patient who lives in Europe. He has shared his remarkable journey about being infertile in the past. As I continue to be moved by his story and his fortitude, I asked him to write to us again. He is also the inspiration for the creation of The Turek […]


How about an April Fools riddle: What 100-year old garment accessory lives less than an inch from your privates and is a leading cause of penile injury? Nope, not your stylish skivvies! It’s your pant zipper. Zipper History An American invention from 1913, the “hookless fastener” was first used on rubber boots and tobacco pouches. […]

Biology Always Wins

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. “I thought for sure that I never wanted kids. They broke the mold when they made me,” he told me. But then, he met the woman he never thought he would meet. “She changed everything. Nothing was the same after her,” he […]

A Good Citizen

What makes you feel like a good citizen? Is it giving blood? Coaching your kid’s team? Volunteering at a school or shelter? Church work? Voting? Recycling? What is it that makes you feel part and parcel of the wide, wide world around us? I asked this question of myself recently. As a doctor, quite naturally […]

Pins and Needles

This week’s post is written by noted Bay Area acupuncturist Anca Sira, founder of Ama Wellness Center in San Rafael, California, She has a special interest in Eastern medicine treatments for infertility. The man sitting in my waiting room for his acupuncture appointment looked about as excited as he would getting a root canal. I think […]

Better Baby Batter

I’m impressed. Have to admit, I’ve been following the tabloids recently and I like what I see: real men are letting it all hang out. Hugh Jackman, crooner Michael Buble, the Brit Anthony McPartlin, and writer David Vienna are all talking about it. Their true-to-life, down-to-earth, lay-it-on-the-line feelings about the troubled path they’ve taken to become […]

Sex Drive: A Planetary View

The Case of the Month is an actual patient from The Turek Clinic. He is 32 years old and very concerned: “My sex drive in the tank, Doc.” He continues: “I am happily married, love my wife, work is busy and I just don’t understand what’s going on. I think that my testosterone is low.” […]