Dr. Turek's Blog

Pass the Buffalo Sauce

This is a guest post from Greg Wolfe, author of How to Make Love to a Plastic Cup: A Guy’s Guide to the World of Fertility. Greg grew up in the San Fernando Valley and worked with the Groundlings and Acme Theater groups in Los Angeles while earning his master’s degree in education. Greg and his wife […]

Basic Stem Cell Math

Guess how many human diseases are curable with stem cell therapy. Let’s make it easier. First, eliminate the unvalidated claims made by unlicensed stem cell treatments around the world that purport to cure everything under the sun. Then, remove bone marrow transplantation used for years to treat cancer. And the answer is….none. All that hype and […]

Meet Mr. Varicocele

How can something so soft and warm and blue, and no wider than a pencil, have such a devastating effect on your ability father children? Meet the varicocele (veri-ko-seal), the unicorn of male fertility. The Inimitable Varicocele As posted previously, the varicocele is unique to humans and is a consequence of our upright posture. It […]

Life in the Keyhole

They say that having a vasectomy means you never have to say you’re sorry. I recently realized that this has been true for 20 years now in my practice! That’s how long I have been doing the no-scalpel vasectomy procedure. One dry sack on the rocks please, bartender! Vasectomy Origins Nary a surgical procedure has […]

Men Are People Too

Did you know that only about 1 in 4 infertile men in the U.S. actually receive the medical attention that they deserve?  We’ve already discussed the value of the semen analysis in the infertility evaluation. Now let’s discuss the idea of care. Real care. That means a history and physical examination along with some medical […]

Reading Your Cards

Men and numbers, what a relationship! After my talk on male infertility at the Fertility Planit Show this weekend, I was struck by the numbers of questions asked about the semen analysis. Although very important to me, interest in the other 3 components of the male infertility evaluation, the personal history, physical exam and hormone […]

The Golden Globe of Infertility

I’m tickled! Tickled to be speaking in Los Angeles next weekend. Honestly, I can’t count how many invited lectures that I’ve given over the last decade or two, in all corners of the world. But this keynote invitation is a horse of a different color, to borrow a phrase from the Wizard of Oz. Nope, […]

Medical Stargazing

What’s in store for us in medicine this year? A lot. Possibly more than we can imagine as the most dramatic overhaul in the history of American medicine begins in earnest. Of course, you know about the “fiscal cliff;” but the “health care Himalaya” is a phenomenon of equal or greater impact in 2013. What […]

The Holiday Wall

What’s tall, quiet, colorful but messy, and hides bundles of joy? It’s The Turek Clinic’s traditional Wall of Holiday Cards. A highlight of our year, this wall of greeting cards is a delight to behold. And, it does far more than reinvigorate the Clinic staff who, while cuddling hot cups of java, read it, sigh […]

Babyless Holiday

“Buddy, it’s not like someone died! Get over this! Call me when you want to get together.” He’s right. It’s not like someone died. It’s worse. After death, the iterative process of healing begins. With infertility, the emotional rawness can last for years. No wonder why you’re not interested in any holiday parties. Men Are […]