Dr. Turek's Blog

Sex and Biology 101

When it comes to sex and your body, what is myth, what is magic, what is fantasy and what is true? Fancy yourself a know-it-all? Trying taking this quiz on male sexual biology and see how you do. The Mens’ Sexual Health Quiz Yup, the school year has started again. Time for a pop quiz. […]

Getting Off the Juice

The case of the month is a patient of The Turek Clinic. This week, it highlights my recent lecture to the Northern California Chapter of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in San Francisco (view presentation at the bottom of this post or on Slideshare). Addicted to Juice This 30-year old man is guessing that […]

Go Local, not Loco

You’ve tried the triumvirate of pills for erectile dysfunction. Herbal remedies and over the counter concoctions haven’t helped. They either never worked or have stopped working. Frustration and sex are now good buddies. Time to get more creative about improving your morning wood. The Nature of Your Nature Much like a rocket, an erection is […]

My Olympians

What a great Olympics! Teens winning gold like it was candy. Shields in boxing, Ledecky and Franklin in swimming. Douglas in the all-around. Poetry in motion. And of course there are the breathtaking performances from Phelps and Bolt. But there are others, many others, whose character, fortitude and perseverance are just as impressive, albeit less […]

Man as Lever and Gear

How often do you get the oil changed on your car? When did you last see a doctor? Most men answer these two questions quite differently, typically responding: “twice annually” to the first and “I can’t remember” to the second.  Or, “thanks, I need to get this done” and “what doctor?” Honestly, most men take […]

The Mother of All Hope

Do you know where medicine is headed? I certainly don’t. This is a guest blog from a patient who is also applying to medical school. He asked me to review his application essay, and the teacher in me came out, and I said yes. What an inspiring shot in the arm for those of us […]

The Naked Truth About Intimacy

& This is a guest post authored by sexologist Heather Howard, PhD founder of the Center for Sexual Health and Rehabilitation in San Francisco “Doc, sex was fine before the baby-thing started. Now it’s by appointment and much harder for me. Help!” Hard to believe that it could happen to you, but it has. The […]

Put a Pin In It

“Go ahead and put a pin in it” is what we tell our patients who visit us from around the nation and world. Pin in what? A large map of the world on the office wall as you check in. A Map of Life Several years ago, the staff of The Turek Clinic thought it […]

Have Dessert Early

The Case of the Month is an actual patient from The Turek Clinic. It highlights the Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc’s 25th National Cystic Fibrosis Family Education Conference at which I spoke recently. You are welcome to review the lecture, available at the bottom of this post. A Natural Vasectomy He was young and thin, but […]