Dr. Turek's Blog

Assisted Reproduction: A Two-Edged Sword

Almost 2 decades ago, just about the time when my fellowship ended and I was starting on the faculty of UCSF, along came ICSI. Short for intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ICSI involves using a single sperm and manually injecting it into an egg. Voila, the egg fertilizes and becomes an embryo, and later, with the help of mother, […]

Try It, You’ll Like It?

As if it’s not top of mind anyway, here’s an update on the state of erection pills. Another one was just approved by the FDA and will hit the streets soon. Its name: Stendra (avanafil). Who names these drugs anyway? The PDE5i Drugs This new pill works similarly to the holy triumvirate of Viagra, Levitra […]

It Takes Two to Tango

The Case of the Month is an actual patient from The Turek Clinic. It is presented to highlight Infertility Awareness Week. The Dance Begins He is a 36-year old who has been trying to conceive with his 35-year old wife for 2 years. After 5 months of trying, the couple achieved a pregnancy she miscarried […]

Why I Love Medicine-Redux

I was recently asked why I love medicine by a health care blog. They published what they could, but there is really more than my response to them revealed. I’d like to set the record straight. We all grow up reading in school. A book is a pile of paper with words on it. But […]

The Essential Beginnings of a Vitamin

Honestly, my opinion about nutritional supplements has evolved dramatically. Historically, the value of prenatal vitamins for women is well recognized and uncontested. For example, calcium keeps mom’s bones healthy as developing fetuses borrow mom’s calcium for their own bones. And iron prevents the anemia of pregnancy. Folic acid clearly prevents neural disorders and birth defects […]

How Obesity Can Affect Male Fertility

You have often heard me say that sperm production is an engine that really wants to run hard and fast. And, that by not taking great care of yourself, sperm quality and fertility can suffer. Given that 1 in 3 Americans have it, one of the biggest elephants in the room is obesity. Now, the […]

April Fools in Saudi Arabia?

Had April Fools Day come weeks early half way around the world? The thought had crossed my mind just before harsh reality hit. A Short Trip to Saudi Arabia It was a long day and I had given several lectures the day before at a medical symposium in Riyadh and headed to King Khalid Airport […]


Diabetes Mellitus: The Infertility Quadruple Threat

Based on the feedback received from doctors reading the blog, we are introducing a new feature: Case of the Month. This Case of the Month features an actual patient from The Turek Clinic. Today’s case is presented to recognize American Diabetes Association Alert Day. The Case of Male Infertility He is a 31-year old who […]

A Year Without Answers II

This is the second of two guest posts from a patient who lives in Europe. He recently recontacted me about his experience with male infertility and how it affected him.  Moved by his story and by his emotional fortitude, I asked him if he could share his remarkable journey with others. The first post is […]


A Year Without Answers

This is a guest post from a patient who lives in Europe. He recently recontacted me about his experience with male infertility and how it affected him.  Moved by his story and by his emotional fortitude, I asked him if he could share his remarkable journey with others.  “The day we met with Dr. Turek […]