Dr. Turek's Blog

Patient Concerns About Vasectomy Reversal

She sat at the edge of her seat way tucked away in the corner of his room. Legs together and knees bobbing, she was very nervous about what was about to happen. “I feel a little guilty about putting him through a vasectomy reversal just for me,” she quipped. With an aim to reassure, I […]

The 9 Downsides of Anabolic Steroids

I prescribe steroids all the time…to men who need them. The goal is to bring low testosterone back to normal levels, to put the oil back in the engine. This therapy is based on the medical fact that the health benefits of normal testosterone levels are well recognized. But when the goal is to build […]

Erectile dysfunction pills

Can Erection Pills Be Bad for Your Health?

In life, there are opportunities taken and opportunities missed. The same is true in men’s health. The way men are built, they typically don’t come face to face with medical care unless their lives are threatened, or they’re in pain. The latest Cleveland Clinic survey pretty much sums this up: Over 60% of men neglect […]

Trouble Conceiving After Vasectomy Reversal

Not Conceiving After Vasectomy Reversal? Blame the Epididymis

OK, the vasectomy reversal worked and your gun is loaded again. But you’re still not conceiving. What’s up with that? Consider blaming the epididymis. The epi-what-a-mis? It’s a small, comma-shaped organ down there whose life was altered after the vasectomy. It used to help fertility, but the vasectomy changed all that. Pivot and Roll Within […]

Prostate Cancer in Infertile Men

Confirmed: Prostate Cancer Occurs More Frequently in Infertile Men

Male infertility and prostate cancer are common diseases in men, both occurring in about 8-10% of the male population. Many of us have wondered whether there is any relationship between the two conditions and specifically whether fatherhood status alters prostate cancer risk. Does having lots of kids “protect” men from getting prostate cancer? Likewise, does […]

Sperm Mapping

The Safety of Sperm Mapping

Hard to believe, but Sperm Mapping has its sceptics. Generally, they are few in number and they have never actually used the technique, but for some reason they appear wedded to the status quo. The basis of Sperm Mapping is fine needle aspiration (FNA), a tool that has been used in medicine for over 100 […]

Common Viagra® Myths

Debunking Common Myths About Viagra®

Very few drugs have a history as storied as that “little blue pill,” Viagra®. On the market for over 20 years, Viagra’s skyrocketing popularity has blown away records for prescription drug sales. It has also single-handedly stripped away the stigma and embarrassment that has enshrouded men’s sexual health for generations. If you guessed that the […]

Store Sperm Before Vasectomy

Should You Store Sperm Before a Vasectomy?

If you have been asking yourself whether having a vasectomy is right for you, consider the following questions: – Are you tired of those postpartum weeks of sleepless nights? – Are you delighted with the brood you bore? – Do you find condoms “so high school”? – Is fatherhood a lifestyle choice that doesn’t suit […]

Urination Changes From Prostate Enlargement

What Urination Tells You About Your Prostate

Name the gland in your body that is important for male fertility when you are young but messes up urination as you age. The inimitable prostate. An organ critical for the continuation of the species but a urinary rabble rouser as its owner ages. It’s a Wrap Wrapping itself firmly around the urethra (urine tube) […]

Brazil on My Mind

Ah, Brazil! Just saying the word brings to mind thoughts of endless white, sandy beaches; soothing, warm Atlantic waters; Tropicalismo music; bright, sunny colors; and a very special people. With destinations like Rio, Bahia, and the Amazon, Brazil can seem very exotic. But, in some ways, Brazil is just like America. Surfs Up! As luck […]