Dr. Paul Turek
Media Appearances & Interviews
For media inquiries please contact: Jennifer Harris | [email protected] | +1 (805) 693-4299 (media inquiries only please)
Media Appearances & Interviews
- Are Men in a Spermpocalypse? by Rosecrans Baldwin, GQ
- The secrets sperm carry, by Neel Shah, MD, The PrePrint
- Why this fact about sperm matters for couples trying to conceive, by Daryl Austin, USA Today
- The 11 Influential Health Experts, by Mia Rodriguez, MSN
- From No-Scalpel Vasectomy to Sperm FNA Mapping: Dr. Turek’s Revolutionary Procedures in Male Reproductive Health, by Maria Williams, LA Weekly.
- The 7 Influential Health Experts, by Trinity Audio, San Francisco Examiner.
- Prosthetic Testicles: What Are They and Who Gets Them?, by María Cristina Lalonde, Giddy
- Al Pacino, 83, is about to be a dad to a new baby. Robert De Niro, 79, just welcomed his 7th child. Do men have biological clocks?, by Kaitlin Reilly, Yahoo
- The Benefits of Antioxidants for Men and Their Sex Lives, by Taneia Surles, M.P.H., Giddy
- Is Penis Shrinkage Real?, by Reniel Anca, Giddy
- What Is a Healthy Ejaculate Volume?, by Reniel Anca, Giddy
- Why Do My Balls Hang So Low?, by Jake Hall, Giddy
- Posthumous Sperm Retrieval: Is It Ethical and How Does It Work?, by Reniel Anca, Giddy
- The Reality of Prostate Cancer Overtreatment, by Callie Zucker, Giddy
- Is My Foreskin Too Long?, by Jake Hall, Giddy
- Why Is My Dick That Color?, by Jake Hall, Giddy
- Why Is My Dick So Veiny?, by Jake Hall, Giddy
- Did I Inherit My Infertility?, by Emily Blaire, Giddy
- Beating Yourself Up Over Fertility Struggles Won’t Solve Anything,by Emily Blaire, Giddy
- Posthumous Sperm Retrieval: Is It Ethical and How Does It Work?, by Reniel Anca, Giddy
- Facing Male Infertility, Backslash
- How to Find a Good Fertility Clinic, by Ruben Castaneda, US News & World Report
- Why aren’t we talking about male factor infertility?, by Chloe Melas, CNN
- Visitor’s Guide to the Penis, by Jake Hall, Giddy
- When Men Find Out They Will Never Have Biological Children, by Andrew Zaleski, Elemental
- Are You Really Hoarding Coronavirus in Your Balls?, by Magdalene Taylor, Mel Magazine
- This is What the Pros Do to Ejaculate Really Far, by by Michael Stahl, Mel Magazine
- Why Can’t I Orgasm on Viagra or Cialis?, by Jake Hall, Mel Magazine
- Pregnancy and Coronavirus: The Scientific Risks of Making Quarantine Babies, by Lauren Vinopal, Mel Magazine
- No, Your Testicles Don’t Have Taste Buds. Stop Dipping Them In Soy Sauce, by Brittany Wong, HuffPost
- Understanding Male Infertility, by Kelly Martin, Goop
- 8 Myths And Beliefs About The Penis, Analyzed By Sex Experts, by Brittany Wong, HuffPost
- Does ‘Summer Penis’ Exist? The Truth About Men Looking Bigger In The Heat, by Brittany Wong, HuffPost
- Everything We Think We Know About Testosterone Is Pretty Much Wrong, by Tracy Moore, Mel Magazine
- Male Baby Fever Only Grows Hotter As Dudes Get Older, by Tracy Moore, Mel Magazine
- Blue balls aren’t real, you’re welcome!, by Candice Jalili, Cosmopolitan
- I spent weeks asking people for advice on fertility treatments. Here are 10 things fertility experts think everyone should know, by Sharon Feiereisen, Pulse
- When a Vasectomy Becomes a Guys’ Weekend, by Lindsey Hunter Lopez, The Atlantic
- Penis Size Not Connected to Male Fertility, Experts Say, by Brian Krans, Healthline
- 7 Common Household Appliances That May Make You Less Fertile, by Lauren Schumacker, Romper
- What Is Blue Balls? Are they real or just a myth?, by Frank Kobola, Cosmopolitan
- The pros and cons of being an older dad, by Nicole Spector, NBC News
- New research suggests fit fathers make for healthier babies, by Nicole Karlis, Salon
- 7 Things About Antidepressants That Nobody Ever Told You, by Suzannah Weiss, Bustle
- Waiting for Babies Live, Podcast from Men’s Health Month Opening Reception at Venice Arts (iTunes)
- Prostate Cancer Screening Has Become Less Common Among Men, Study Says, by Janissa Delzo, Everyday Health
- Does Jelqing Actually Work?, by Carrie Weisman, Men’s Health
- Asking “Are You Having Kids?” Can Damage a Person’s Mental Health, by Renee Fabian, talkspace
- Myths in Movies About Trying To Get Pregnant, by Lauren Schumacker, Insider
- It’s a Vasectomy Party! Snips, Chips and Dips With Your Closest Friends, by Harriet Torry, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
- Meet the company that’s looking to make non-surgical male birth control a reality, By Jonathan Shieber, TechCrunch
- Are Vasectomies the New Condom?, By Lisa Marshall, Tonic, Vice News
- Ignored by Obamacare, Vasectomies Find a Champion in ‘March Madness’ Marketing, By April Dembosky, KQED (NPR)
- Men’s Health Tweet Chat, hosted by Fertility Planit, June 25, 2015
- First Baby After Ovarian Transplantation, ABC-Univision Fusion Program, June 10, 2015
- Advanced Paternal Age, By Kristen Darcy, Making Dads Summit Making Dads” Summit, June 9, 2015
- Low sperm count a marker for other health risks, expert says By Erin Ellis, Vancouver Sun, May 3, 2015
- Sperm Count: Better Than an Aging Rhino? With Kevin Kline,K105 Radio (San Francisco), April 23rd and April 27th, 2015
- The Science of Artificial Testicles by Peter Holslin, Vice, April 6, 2015
- Penis transplants, Ed Baxter Show,KGO-AM 910, March 24, 2015
- Expert Tips for Creating Your Happiest and Healthiest #BabyMakingDays, Fertility Planet, With Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, March 22, 2105
- Cancer and Infertility: What are My Options, Fertility Planit, February 12, 2015
- Sirius XM Doctor Radio, NYC. Annual Fertility Summary. January 15, 2015
- The Doctors Show. Male Infertility and Varicocele. December 18th, 2014.
- Infertility Buster Tele-Summit. Host: Renee Wagenner. December 16, 2014
- KGO-AM 910. Ed Baxter Show. Freezing Sperm for Paternal Age. December 3, 2014
- Men’s Health Tweet Chat, hosted by ABC News, New York, NY, November 18, 2014.
- Prostate Cancer Tweet Chat, hosted by AUA Urology Care Foundation., September 30, 2014.
- ABC7 TV. Bay area team developing artificial testicle. June 23, 2014
- KGO Radio. Breakthrough In Male Reproductive Health: Artificial Testicle Update. May 28, 2014
- Fertility Planit Video: Keeping Sex Passionate When You’re Trying to Conceive with Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, April 7, 2014
- Fertility Planit, Video: Myths of Manhood: What Every Woman Needs to Know About Her Man’s Fertility, April 5, 2014
- Diary of a Sperm Banker, by Dan Crane, The New York Times, April 4, 2014
Dr. Turek with Dr. Joe Alukal in studio at SiriusXM in NYC Sirius XM Doctor Radio, NYC. “Nuts and Bolts of Men’s Health” show Co-Host, March 12, 2014
In studio together at SiriusXM in New York City, Dr. Turek and Dr. Joe Alukal covered the “Nuts and Bolts of Men’s Health.” Callers lit up the switchboard and the doctors answered questions from a number of callers on topics ranging from the controversy over testosterone to erectile dysfunction and sex drive. Read Dr. Turek’s blog post about the show
- Could Vasectomy Ever Replace The Condom?, Huffington Post, November 22, 2013
- Un estudio desmonta los mitos de la vasectomía: es más reversible y fiable de lo que se piensa El Huffington Post (Huffington Post Spain)
- Sirius XM Doctor Radio, NYC. Testosterone, Testicles and Fatherhood. Oct 2, 2013
- Not pregnant: Sometimes it’s the man, By Laura Hambleton, Washington Post, August 26, 2013
- Fertility Planit, Video: Male Fertility: Fertility from Sterility, January 12, 2013
- NYC radio, Bottom Line on Your Health, Sarah Heiner. Sexual Health and Age. Sept 15, 2012
- Do Skinny Jeans Really Lower Your Sperm Count?, By Stacey Grenrock Woods, September 13, 2012
- Sirius XM Doctor Radio, NYC. Fatherhood in the Future. June 13, 2012
- Parade.com magazine. Erectile dysfunction and Incontinence, March 1, 2012
- Dr. Turek on the NICHD’s Scientific Vision: The Next Decade (January 2011)
- A Case of Azoospermia Overcome with FNA Testicular Mapping – The Doctors (April 2010)
- Male Menopause? (April 2010)
- High-Grade Prostate Cancer Linked to Male Infertility, By Jody A. Charnow, Renal & Urology News, March 25, 2010
- Male Infertility Linked With Prostate Cancer, By Tara Parker-Pope, New York Times Well Blog, March 23, 2010
- New Fertility Preservation Methods (November 2009)
- Dr. Turek’s Stem Cell Research – KTVU Channel 2 San Francisco (September 2009)
- Is There Sex After Heart Disease?, By Janie McQueen, WebMD, February 24, 2009
- Decline in Male Fertility
- Is a Vasectomy or Vasectomy Reversal Right for You?
- Creating Sperm, 2009
- The Truth About Testosterone
- Increasing Your Chances of Conceiving
- A Window into Male Infertility
- A Short Guide to Prostate Health
- Not So Fast: Early Ejaculation Cure – CBS Evening News, 2007
- Cancer and Male Infertility – Economist TV, 2000
- Male Infertility Sperm Breakthrough, CNN, 1997
- Sperm Count Decline, 1996
- Male Infertility Blockage Repair – CBS This Morning, 1995
- The Miracle Baby, 20/20, ABC
For media inquiries please contact: Jennifer Harris | [email protected] | +1 (805) 693-4299 (media inquiries only please)
- Breakthrough Discovery: Vitamin A Formulation Induces Sperm Production in Sterile Men
- AlphaSpermÒ Nutritional Supplement Has Major Impacts on Sperm Health
- Popular Male Infertility Procedure Carries Risk of Testosterone Impairment
- New hope for infertile couples: Study finds that many men diagnosed with unexplained infertility are actually fertile
- Study Offers New Hope for Couples Trying to Conceive; Urologist Dr. Paul Turek’s Innovative Technique Finds “Hidden” Sperm
- Dr. Paul Turek Recognized by Healthline As One of the Best Men’s Health Writers of 2017
- Dr. Paul Turek Recognized by Healthline As One of the Best Men’s Health Blogs of 2016
- Scientists One Step Closer to Functioning Human Artificial Testicle
- New Research Shows that Vasectomy May be the New Condom for Fertility
- Dr. Paul Turek, medical pioneer in male infertility, opens LA practice
- Dr. Paul Turek on Faculty of First U.S. Men’s Health World Congress
- California Fertility Specialist Leads National Society into Future of Men’s Health
- New Research: ‘Older’ Vasectomy Reversal Worthwhile; Valid Alternative To IVF – ICSI
- Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Biologists Successful in Helping Walrus Conceive
- Dr. Turek Awarded an NIH Grant to Build Artificial Testicle
- Dr. Turek Invited to Participate in NIH “Visioning” Process for Reproductive Health
- Local Doctors Work to Make New ‘Clinic by the Bay’ a Reality
- Researchers Lay Groundwork for Creation of Artificial Human Testicle
- Dr. Paul Turek Invited to Speak to the CDC About Advancing Men’s Health
- Dr. Turek Speaks to Scientists in Bejing and to Clinicians in Shenzhen China
- Dr. Paul Turek to Demonstrate Sperm Mapping Technique on The Doctors Television Show
- Dr. Paul Turek to Discuss Relationship Between Male Infertility and Prostate Cancer on Sirius XM Doctor Radio
- Male Infertility Significantly Increases Risk of Prostate Cancer According to a New Study
- Dr. Paul Turek to Discuss Male Fertility on Sirius XM Doctor Radio’s Men’s Health Show
- New Study Demonstrates Novel Use of Metabolic Imaging to Locate Sperm in Infertile Men
- New Study: Innovative Technique Allows Male Cancer Survivors Sterile From Treatment to Father Children
- Dr. Paul Turek to Speak at the National Institutes of Health
- Paul Turek to Appear on ABC7/KGO-TV’s The View from The Bay
- New Study: Vardenafil Reduces Erectile Dysfunction in Diabetic Men
- New Study: Men Diagnosed With Infertility Suffer Intense Negative Sexual, Personal and Social Strains
- Dr. Paul Turek Appointed to NIH Advisory Board
- Infertile Men Have Substantially Higher Rates of Testis Cancer
- Aua Releases Core Curriculum to Boost Medical Students’ Basic Knowledge of Urology
- Stem Cells Isolated From Human Testis
- Couple Conceives Despite Spinal Cord Injury
- First National Urology Student Curriculum Launched Online
- New Men’s Clinic Cures Reproductive Health Issues Linked To Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease
- New Bay Area Men’s Health Clinic Is A “Non-Medical” Medical Space
- New Method to Diagnose Blockage That Causes Male Infertility