Infertility Treatment Second Opinion

Medicine is both an art and a science. It is the doctor’s job to understand and interpret the vast amount of information and science in medicine so that the patient can make important decisions regarding their health care.
“I always tell patients that if it doesn’t make sense to you, then don’t do it”
– Dr. Paul Turek
As with any art, the way that medical information, symptoms and health care is interpreted and delivered varies widely among doctors and this can affect patient decision-making.
To learn more about getting a second opinion from Dr. Turek, please select one of the following topics. If you are ready to schedule a consultation for a second opinion, please request a consultation here.
Reasons for Getting a Second Opinion

Although medical advice can get complex, the discussions that you have with your doctor should make sense to you.
And, you have a right to have all of your questions answered so that it does make sense to you. Similar to buying a car, people often seek second opinions regarding how they should proceed with their medical care. Reasons to seek a second opinion about your medical care include:
The care pathway that has been proposed does not make sense to you
Infertility is complex and the solutions can be complicated for many to comprehend. Your doctor should provide adequate educational support and resources to help you understand the problem you are facing and the care pathway that has been proposed. You should know and feel comfortable with the benefits, risks and likelihood of success of the recommended treatment plan before you invest your valuable time and energy into it.
The care pathway followed thus far has not solved the problem
It can take time and tremendous patience to see success with infertility treatment. Unfortunately, there can also be an element of “trial and error.” If you have faithfully and patiently followed your doctor’s game plan yet feel frustrated because you are not any closer to your goal, it might be time to seek care elsewhere. There is an art to medicine in that each doctor is unique and a new doctor may suggest different diagnostic testing, treatments or lifestyle changes to explore.
Perhaps your first step upon having trouble conceiving was to consult with your primary care doctor. Your doctor may have ordered basic bloodwork and suggested general lifestyle changes to increase your chances of conceiving. But maybe you are at the point where you need more in-depth information about the problem. It makes perfect sense to seek out more specialized help from an infertility expert. Specialists in infertility offer more advanced diagnostic and treatment options and education than general practitioners.
Your questions are not being answered to your satisfaction
It is hard to be your own health advocate and ask tough questions about the directions of your care. But when it comes to starting or growing your family, do not be afraid to speak up. Ask questions, and if the answers do not make sense to you, ask for clarity. If you still find the answers lacking, it may be time to speak with someone new who will better educate you. There is not a good personality “fit” between you and your doctor.
The red flags may be obvious: your doctor rushes through your appointments or pressures you to make important decisions before you have the necessary facts. Or maybe it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what makes you feel uneasy about your doctor. Either way, it is difficult to move forward when something feels off. You do not need to resign yourself to a mismatched patient-doctor relationship when you can find a doctor who better aligns with your communication style and expectations. You already know how personal and delicate the infertility journey can be. You deserve a doctor who will listen to you, respect you and treat you with empathy. Your doctor understands how important that “fit” is, too. If your current provider is not a match, you should rightly seek care elsewhere.
You want assurance you are on the right path
Getting a second opinion does not mean you have to switch doctors. Maybe you have a great rapport with your doctor and understand the proposed treatment, yet simply want confirmation from another doctor that you are headed in the right direction. This assurance can provide you the clarity and peace of mind you need to move forward.
Your doctor recommends getting a second opinion.
It is also reasonable for doctors to seek opinions from other doctors regarding the care that they offer to their patients. Often this involves talking to an “expert” who has more experience with the particular issues or medical condition before treating a patient. This is a very common occurrence and results in higher-quality medical care for the patient, especially in cases of rare or complex medical conditions.
Why Dr. Paul Turek

Dr. Turek is an internationally recognized expert in the field of men’s reproductive health. Physicians around the world contact him weekly for his opinions on specific cases and medical conditions. As a measure of his stature in the field, he has a track record of innovative care, discovery and invention that have led to over 175 publications in 17 years. He also serves as an editor or editorial consultant for at least 25 medical and scientific journals. This is reflected in his resume that you are welcome to review. In addition, he practices evidence-based medicine, which is a way of saying that he understands which areas of medicine are based upon sound science and which are based upon common sense, opinion or art. Whether information is evidence-based or not is important to distinguish as this determines its true medical value. Finally, Dr Turek believes that patients should be given as much information as possible to help them make decisions regarding their care. This is an important part of patient informed consent.
How to Seek a Second Opinion at The Turek Clinic
Feel free to contact us from anywhere in the world to get a second opinion on your medical care in the field of men’s reproductive health. Dr. Turek will review medical records, X-rays, laboratory tests, testis biopsy slides and other information that you supply and inform you by telephone, email or letter (whichever you prefer) about any or all of the following:
- Other diagnostic tests that might help make the diagnosis.
- Alternative treatments that could be available and appropriate for you.
- Experts in your geographical area who might also help you.
- Educational material to help you make decisions regarding your medical condition.